Do I Matter to You?

I sat next to you at the lunch table yesterday, but you only talked about yourself.

Do I matter to you?

I brought you into this world and raised you into a decent human being, but you never give me any credit.

Do I matter to you?

I tried to get your attention this morning, but you chose to ignore me.

Do I matter to you?

I put food on the table for you night after night, but you rarely thank me.

Do I matter to you?

I was at the park when you were there, but you never acknowledged my existence.

Do I matter to you?

I want to spend time with you, but you act like I don’t exist.

Do I matter to you?

I asked you how your day was, but you were too preoccupied to answer.

Do I matter to you?

I tried to have a conversation with you last night, but your eyes never left your computer screen.

Do I matter to you?

I loved and encouraged you through your darkest days, but you’ve ignored me ever since.

Do I matter to you?

I had something important to tell you, but you were too tired to listen.

Do I matter to you?

I’ve loved you unconditionally, but you’ve taken advantage of me time and time again.

Do I matter to you?

I wrote a book about love and redemption, but you have found every excuse not to read it.

Do I matter to you?

I see a purpose in you, but you refuse to acknowledge it.

Do I matter to you?

I’ve given you a gift to share with others, but you’ve kept it to yourself.

Do I matter to you?

I sent My son to die on the cross for you.

Do I matter to you?